Studietips van de studenten op kot bij de Zwartzusters


On Wednesday 15th of May, there was the last student evening of the 2023/24 school year. Students from the residence gathered with the student coach Anne at 18:30 to have one last meal together.

Before we started to eat, we welcomed a new student between us. Everyone introduced themselves and said what they love about their stay here – most people very much enjoy the garden and the possibility to sit there as well as we are all grateful for our dear Anne.

For dinner we had lovely spaghetti with tomato sauce followed by a Lotus moose, which everyone seemed to really enjoy.

After the food and nice conversations, each student shared their study tips to help others with their preparations for the upcoming exams.


Here are the study tips that were mentioned:

  • ⁠ Use the pomodoro technique – 45 minutes of study and 15 minutes of break repeating (can be found as a YouTube video)
  • ⁠ ⁠Take studying part by part, not everything at once
  • ⁠ ⁠⁠Study, repeat, study, repeat and then take a break (maybe go on a walk)
  • ⁠ ⁠⁠Change your study setting if you can’t focus anymore
  • ⁠ ⁠⁠Organize and plan beforehand (and do the quick and easy task first)
  • ⁠ ⁠Put your notes in Chat GPT and ask it to make test questions or a summary
  • ⁠ ⁠Use the forest app – there is an imaginary tree growing on your screen so you can’t use your phone (thanks to that you have less distractions)
  • ⁠ ⁠Make cards with important things you want to learn and write the answers on the other side (test yourself, repeat and then go to the next chapter)
  • ⁠ ⁠If you struggle with one part of the study, try a different one and then come back to it
  • ⁠ ⁠⁠Study a part of your notes and write down the most important points, then test yourself if you can remember all the things you wrote down and continue with another topic when you know most of it


Then we finished the evening by wishing happy birthday to the students who will celebrate it in the upcoming weeks and they each received a small gift.

It was a pleasant evening with a fun company and great advice that everyone seemed to enjoy.